Summer Camps

Painting Ponies while identifying Body Parts!!

Grooming Killian before a field trip to the Vet Office!!

Getting Tacked up for Summer Camp Trail Ride!!

Summer Camp Series 2012 Dates will be Posted in the Spring!

What is it? Every Monday throughout the summer we are getting all the kids together (regardless of level) from 8am-Noon, to learn more about horses they would not normally learn in their regular lesson program. Not only will they get to learn new things, but they will get to meet almost all the other junior riders to socialize with and share their love of horses with their like minded friends!

Monday lecture topics will vary each week, and some of the lectures will feature guest speakers from other equestrian professionals such as a veterinarian, a farrier, a equine massage therapist, a team building professional, and possibly more! There will be little to no riding in this series, but we may do a game day and/or trail ride here and there if time permits. Topics to be covered will include but are not limited to:
Team building: Individual and Team: Guest
Show Grooming
Horse Anatomy & Colors
Farrier Care: Guest Farrier
Basic First Aid: Veterinarian
Riding Outside of the Ring & Trails
Equine Massage
Understand Horse Shows
Tack Cleaning, Parts, & Bits, Equine Equipment
Games and more!

The Kids will receive a binder at the beginning of the series, and with each lecture will build in the content of their own horsemanship book. At the end of the series the kids will have a great reference resource!

Cost to you is $100 for the whole series for students currently enrolled in lessons. Current Clients may may split the expense into $50 in June & $50 in July.
Cost to students not enrolled is $200 for the series.
I understand there may be a week or two when familys are on vacation, that is ok, they will miss their lecture, but still recieve their information packet for their binders! There will be no make-ups for missed lectures. I will try to answer any questions kids have about missed lectures in their lesson times.

I hope you will join us, as I anticipate a lot of fun with everyone! This series will really step up a lot of the juniors in their knowledge of horsemanship, all showing students are strongly encouraged to attend.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions!