Brooke McGee is a certified equine sports massage therapist.
She integrates her formal training in Equissage and knowledge of The Masterson Method™. Brooke
has a true passion for horses and has been riding for over 15 years. Her goal through equine massage is
to provide relief and help horses of all disciplines achieve a higher quality of life.
About ESMT:
Horses are athletes and their bodies
are 60% muscle. As with any athlete, muscles become sore and require tension relief in order to maintain optimum health
and performance. Equine Sports Massage Therapy may be your answer to help your horse reach his potential and dramatically
improve his quality of life. Massage therapy has proven to be highly effective in relieving tension,
improving performance, and preventing injury.
Improves circulation
Releases toxin build up
Enhances muscle tone and flexibility
Relaxes muscle spasms
Speeds recovery to injured muscle
· Increases flow of synovial fluid for joint health
Reduces stress
Generally improves disposition
Your horse may be telling you he/she has muscular soreness and/or trauma
somewhere if he exhibits any of the following:
- Stumbling
- Tossing of head
- Bucking
- Kicking
- Balance and coordination
- Tension in head and neck area
- Difficulty with lateral bending movements
- Girthing problems
- Tracking unevenly
- Hip and shoulder lameness/muscle atrophy
- Overreaching
- Dropping shoulder/turning on front end
Equissage is the leading trainer of animal massage therapists in the world. This
method focuses on massaging the entire body, which is the best way to achieve balance and synergy of each muscle group.
Brooke was trained by the founder of Equissage, Mary Schreiber. Equissage is approved
by the National Certification Board for
Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. For more information on Equissage please visit the official site at
The Masterson Method™ was developed to focus on relieving key areas of tension that affect performance such as the poll, neck/shoulder/withers
junctions and sacro/lumbar junction. It is very interactive and focuses on achieving responses from the
horse that indicate tension relief. It has been used on the USET Endurance Team by its founder Jim Masterson.
Visit for further information on this innovative technique.
$50 per session
Special discount for Joie de Vivre boarders
and students: $40 per session.
Special discount of $10 off for 2 or more horses.
Sessions are 1 hour in length. The first massage may take more time at no additional cost.
Q. Can I ride my horse before a massage?
A. No.
It is best that your horse not be worked at least 3 hours prior to massage.
Q. Can I ride my horse
after the massage?
A. Yes. In fact,
massage is a great warm up for the muscles.
Q. Is there any time when massage should not be performed?
A. Yes. Massage should not
be applied during these conditions:
Shock - Massage
can lower blood pressure and when the body is in shock, the blood pressure will already
be lowered.
Fever - Fever
is the body’s way of fighting infection and since massage can speed up metabolism it could cause a healing crisis.
Cancer - By speeding up the metabolism,
massage could spread a condition which may be isolated.
Please note that Equine Sports Massage Therapy should not
be substituted for veterinary care.