Working Students


The working student program opportunity at Joie de Vivre Farm is given to students that display a drive for better riding skill, a passion for horses, and seek out opportunity to improve their abilities and knowledge. While Joie de Vivre Farm provides a fun and relaxed environment. Working students are expected to maintain a positive attitude about the farm and its team at in and out house activities. Working student positions are considered a privilege. The success of Joie de Vivre Farm would not be possible without working student opportunities years ago. Therefore, Joie de Vivre Farm finds it’s important for only those students that want to be here and are dedicated to improving their riding and horsemanship are given the opportunity to participate. This position is ideal for an aspiring rider who wants to learn the art of dressage/hunter/jumper. We are very committed to providing an opportunity for the real education of riders. A working student position at JDV offers complete submersion and an intense learning environment in order to advance your riding and horsemanship skills at an accelerated rate.

Must have a good attitude and desire to learn more about horses, and a drive to become a better rider. When assisting in Lessons and training of horses no working student is allowed to accept pay for their services. Accepting pay will forfeit their ability to compete at the amateur level. A working student program is a service in exchange for a service. Joie de Vivre Farm reserves the right to release any student from the program for poor behavior and bad attitudes.

Benefits Include:
Opportunities for one on one training, opportunities to jump in group lessons, opportunities for free shipping and schooling at horse shows, opportunities to learn how to train green horses, opportunities to lean how to instruct lessons, opportunities to learn about horse selection and judging, opportunities to learn how to manage a barn. In addition to the daily hands-on experience and riding instruction opportunities, other concepts that concern horsemanship are covered during a session, for example: stable management concepts, daily care of performance horses, basic first aid and rehabilitation care, feeding and supplementation principles, training concepts, safety routines, and the process of buying and selling horses. Some horse experience is preferred but we will train beginners, a good attitude and work ethic is most valuable. This is an excellent learning experience for an aspiring rider to train in a fun and rewarding environment.

Responsibilities Include:
Assisting head trainer with horses on a daily basis: grooming, tacking/un-tacking, bathing, groundwork, lunging, exercise riding and training, prepare for and groom at shows, blanketing/turn-out care, cleaning tack, medical care and general assistance. Barn duties include: turnout, stall cleaning, feeding/watering, and general/special care as instructed.