5/23 - Summer Camp Enrollment forms now up, Please Click on Summer Camps on the navigation barn to the left.
Wishes a congratulations to all the Riders on the JDV team at the ASH Schooling Dressage
Show this past weekend!!! Pics to be Posted soon! Congratulations to:
Laura & Nate: 2 1st Place ribbons & Grand Champion with a 9 on his straight line and halt! Awesome!! Hard to do!!
Helen & Sebastian: 1st Place! Super Pony!
Michelle & Killian: 1st Place in new division at Training Level! Tied for Grand
Champion with Elisha! Awesome!!
Laura & Calvin: 2nd Place & 3rd
Place at Calvins first show! Very Well behaved.
Emily & Val: 2 second place
ribbons in Intro & Training! Great rides!
Emily & Winner: 2nd place
and 2 4ths at Winners first dressage show from off the track!
Helen & Lianna: 3rd Place at her First Show!
Brooke & Stoli: 3rd Place & 6th place with awesome feedback from the Judge for Brooke's first dressage show,
and stoli's first since his injury!! Very impressed with this pair! Michelle & Noble: Brought home some 5th
place ribbons with positive feedback from the judge to continues Nobles education! Great rides and horses this weekend!
So proud of our horses & riders!!!
3/29 - Congratulations are in order for
the JDV team at the AHJA H/J Show this weekend at the Academy of the Sacred Heart! It was a weekend of bringing the
babies out to show! We laughed and cheered as the babies went round successfully! Congratulations to Helen bringing home Grand Champion on her horse Incognito in the 2" Jumpers and Reserve Champion on Swayze in the 2'3" Jumpers. Helen was also High
Point Jumper Rider on Sunday! Congratulations to Laura on Nate & Noble making their jumping show debut! But
they did fantastic for their first show and Noble brought home Reserve Champion in
the Green Horse Hunters. And lastly congrats to Killian who also made his jumping show debut, bringing home Grand Champion in the Green Horse Hunter! So proud of our Riders & Horses!
2/18 - Congratulations
to Laura and her new horse Calvin, and Crystal and her new horse Dori!
11/10 Congratulations are in order for all of our JDV riders at the ASH Schooling Show this past Sunday! Everyone did fantastic
and we had a great day! Laura brought home 2 First Place ribbons on Nate,
and a 2nd and a 4th on Noble, but also brought home the Reserve
Champion Ribbon on both Nate & Noble having the 2nd highest test score in the whole
division of a 62.5%! Did I mention it was the ponies first show ever? AWESOME!! Marsha
brought home a 2nd and 4th on Scooner having some excellent rides! Emily also brought home a 2nd and 4th Place Ribbon on Val who was being
VERY well behaved! Crystal and Fairfax whom were both attending their first horse show
ever as well, brought home a 4th and 6th place ribbons and had very consistent and
accurate rides! And LeAnne managed to have a good ride on Boo who was a little sore
come show day, but still managed to bring home a 2nd place ribbon and get some good
scores on her card! Welcome to the team LeAnne, can't wait for the next one! It was great to see some familiar faces show
up to cheer on JDV as well. All in all it was a fantastic day and I'm so excited for the next ones! Stay posted to the
website for pics from the show!Excellent Job JDV, keep up the good work!
9/29 - Whew...so its been awhile since I put
an update on here! We've got more pastures up, more shelters for the winter are ordered and on there way! We got some
new faces around the farm and some new horses. One new exciting program that has been started is our new Unlimited Lesson
program, the best value for money as far as lessons are concerned open to boarders, leasers, or per group basis. Call for
more information if interested. Welcome new horses Sarge, Mena, & Molly, & Red. Welcome new students Jessica, Hilary,
& Adele!
6/23 - More pastures are up and available for new boarders.
- JDV currently has an opening for a experienced working student for the summer. Please call Michelle for more information
5/22 - JDV would like to congratulate Gem on the purchase of her new horse Texas! This pair makes a great team, so
watch for them at the shows!
5/18 - JDV would like to welcome the Domaingue
Family to the farm with new student Brianna and her beautiful mare Grace.
5/17 - We are back from the ASH Schooling
Dressage show and a good time was had by all. Special Congrats to Ann Broussard for
bringing home Reserve Champion at her first show on her new mount Bella. Ann got a
1st in Intro A and 4th in Intro B. Another Congrats to Gem on Texas in their first
show bringing home a 2nd and 3rd place ribbon. The Brimmage sisters Alyssa and Morgan tied for 1st in a challenging leadline class that was not like most! Michelle and Killian for
also brought home a 2nd and 3rd place ribbon. Marsha and Scooner brought home a 5th place ribbon despite a fall! The
Haflinger ponies came along for the ride and were well behaved all day and swarmed in attention! It was a fun day despite
a little drizziling rain! Special thanks to Jancie and Crystal who were a big help during the show, and the Bourgeois family
with providing us a trailer for the day!
4/24 - We would like to welcome new student Jancie to the farm.
- More paddocks are up, call today to reserve your full service paddock board.
4/6 - We'd like
to welcome the Rushing family to the farm and new student Alyssa!
3/10/ - We'd like to welcome the Bourgeois
family to the farm and new student Gem!
Our round pen is here, has been here...and we love it! Its is also
now equipped with sand for better traction and all weather riding abilities! Wow that was really missed! Almost all of the
jumps have made it to the farm and are now sitting pretty in the jump field. We have a new grooming stall/tack up area up,
and are hoping to start the big tack room soon! The new pasture has been measured out now, and electric fencing work will
commence soon! New pastures and more boarding should be available end of April!
Stay tuned to the site as some clinics
and shows are in the works to be hosted at JDV sometime late summer-fall! Oh and of course the long awaited grand opening
party to also commence end of April!
2/3 - Our round pen has been ordered and will be in this week!!! We will
have a (longly missed) 70ft round pen!!! Our small dressage arena is up (soon to be large), and a couple of our jumps have
made it over from the other farm with more comming soon. Stay tuned to pics to be posted. Lessons will resume this weekend,
and new students are able to start Valentines weekend! The other pastures will not be ready until end of March, but we are
taking reservations for new boarders. We've had lots of calls for board, and will fill up fast! So get in early! Thanks
to everyone for their support and encouragement through this transition! Seems like things have been crazy, but were getting
12/29 - We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and we are looking forward to the new year! Coming this weekend
will be the round pen, jumping field, and dressage arena will finally be put up. The second pasture will be subdivided by
the end of the month with a bit of luck... and February is planned to start the tack room/grooming stall. We hope everyone
has a fun and safe New Years! See you in 2009!
12/1 - THE HORSES HAVE ARRIVED! Everything went very smoothly,
and the horses couldn't be happier! We are open for lessons starting next weekend for current clients. If you are a potential
new student, we are starting new students in January. Arenas and jumping field will be put up next weekend. Check out the
gallery page for pics from move in day....more coming soon!
11/8-9 More progress on the farm has been made. Electric
fencing is up in one pasture including cross divisions. Water has almost been run all the way thru the pasture. Troughs are
there, tree branches cleared. Lights in the barn are up, and the barn is almost complete! Still more work to do in the coming
weekends before opening, but were almost there!!!
11/08 - Michelle and Marsha had a great time at the clinic with
Brooke Crampton and couldn't of asked for a more perfect morning. Both Scooner and Killian were very well behaved, and
it turned our to be a great morning!
11/06 - Ride times for Brooke Crampton Clinic are Marsha and Scooner at 9:20-10:10,
and Michelle and Killian at 10:10-11:00 November 8th at KC Farm in Carencro. Clinic will be going all day both saturday and
sunday if you'd like to come and watch. Sunday afternoon will be at ASH starting at 1:30.
10/25 - JDV is exciting
to be participating in a Clinic with Brooke Cramton on November 8-9. Brooke is a "A" level rated pony club instructor
and a Dressage gold, siver and bronze medalist. JDV is excited to get out of the farm, and learn some new things
- Our New Facility is almost ready for move in. Fences are fixed, and we're just waiting on the new roof for the barn.
Next weekend, we will be putting up hot wire, and hopefully moving in soon!